Why Do People Distrust The Bible?

The Bible is the written Word of God.
The only way to get closer to him is by reading his Word.
So, why do people distrust the Bible so much today?
Satan has done a great job convincing us that people have tampered with the Good Book, and we can’t trust it.
He knows that if he can persuade people that the government or the powers that be have somehow changed anything in the Bible, we will never believe what it says. Oh yeah, Satan understood his assignment very well.

For centuries, the enemy has used various lies to convince people of the inauthenticity of the Bible.
He uses twisted information like it is man-written. Or, the words of the book have been changed, translated, and rewritten millions of times.
While this may be partially valid – he conveniently leaves out the truth – this does not take away from the fact that every scripture of every verse in every book is God-breathed. Satan knows that. He hopes you don’t.

Adopting this kind of mistrust in the Bible is detrimental to your spirit. It can have even a believer questioning the very thing God gave us as a guide. 

Psalm 119:105 says God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. If we don’t trust the Bible, then how will we see? Where will we get the light for our path of life?

Satan uses deception to cause distrust in the Bible

We know satan is the great deceiver and the author of confusion.
One of his schemes is to trick people into believing that world leaders use the Bible to control the masses. Controlled is the last thing that free-thinking people want to feel. We take pride in liberty and the right to make decisions for ourselves. So what does the evil one do? He convinces us that the Bible is a means to take that free thinking away from us.

If Satan can get you to accept that the Bible is just a book designed to keep you under the authority of leaders who don’t have your best interest in mind, then you will never read it. And just like that, satan has successfully stolen your desire and your ability to draw closer to the creator!

He knows that you can never grow closer to God if you don’t read his Word.

Satan is the deceiver – Of course, he uses false pretenses to trick you out of reading the very thing that will not only bring you closer to God but will also help you navigate this life journey. 

2 Timothy 3:16-17 confirms that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God will be equipped, for every good work.”
If you refuse the Bible, how can you be taught, rebuked, corrected, or trained in righteousness and equipped for good work? In this case, Satan has effectively caused you to curse yourself. He doesn’t need to do anything but whisper the lies and sit back and watch while you self-destruct.

Man wrote the Bible

Another ploy satan will use to cause people to distrust the Bible is reminding us that man wrote it. Yep, here is where he’s right! Man did write all 66 books of our biblical text. But this one is just silly to me. Who else was supposed to write it? A monkey? I laugh, but I am very serious. If we think about it, nothing satan says to us makes sense. His position is we shouldn’t trust the Bible because men wrote it. But, it’s ok to trust the news even though man researches and reports it. It’s even ok to trust our favorite online search engine results even though we have no clue who actually founded these facts and placed them there for our consumption. See the contradiction?

Of course, man wrote the Bible. But to refer back to 2 Timothy 3:16, all scripture is God(or Holy Spirit)inspired. 

Meaning God himself motivated every scripture.
Just like we are the hands and feet of Jesus on the earth today, the same was true in biblical days. God used the various authors of the Bible to deliver his written Word to us for our lives in these times. But we know the evil one will conveniently leave this logic out of the mix. 

So again, we’re operating from half-truths that compel us to question the validity of the Word of God. Therefore, we are refraining from doing what will bring us into his sheepfold.

The worst-case scenario

I have heard many excuses for people to distrust the Bible. But arguably, the worst has been that it is full of lies. I don’t profess to be a Bible scholar in any way. But I have done my share of reading it. To this day, there has been nothing I’ve read that I could equate with a lie that might benefit a hidden agenda. The Bible is, from cover to cover, prophecies of things to come and laws on how to live according to the will of God.

I can’t imagine someone with a hidden agenda to control the world would tell lies like this to achieve that goal. Think about it – why would someone who is looking for world domination give us commandments like do not steal, kill, or have idols? 

I would think brotherly love might be the least of their cares. 

One could argue that regularly reading and applying the Bible to daily life might have a crazy effect. I don’t know, like – less corruption in the world! 

A 2021 study found that only 11% of Americans read the Bible daily.
I’m no systematic researcher, but – if I’m planning to control the people of the world, I would use something they utilize more frequently to do it.


The Bible serves as a roadmap on how to live righteously. The best thing someone could hope for by using it to govern the world is more world peace! Does that sound like an agenda? And even if it does, how could it be a bad one? If the world all began regularly reading the Word of God, we wouldn’t fall victim to dictatorship because of it. 

However, we might see a decline in evil practices or find cures to demonic mental health strongholds!

Trust me, Nobody will mock God

If people have tampered with His Word in any way, the culprit will face judgment, and they will be held accountable for this deceit. 

However, we still have a responsibility to read His Word faithfully. It is the only way to get closer to him and allow him to be the head of our lives. 

You have to reject the enemy’s lies when he makes a case against the Bible. Whether or not the details in the Bible have been tampered with doesn’t change God’s truth. 

His command is for us to revere him, to accept his son, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. How can we go wrong by following that command?

At any rate, the Bible speaks for itself. The Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

People who distrust that the Bible is true – Do yourself a favor and just try it! 

What have you got to lose? 

I have every confidence that if you pray for clarity before opening it, The Holy Spirit will enlighten your heart with revelation and show you something that aligns so well with your life you won’t be able to doubt the validity of the Bible ever again.

Check out the related post on The Bible here.

Bible, Distrust, reading statistic chart
2021 U.S. Bible Readership Statistics By: Statista

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