If Satan can get you to accept that the Bible is just a book designed to keep you under the authority of leaders who don’t have your best interest in mind, then you will never read it. And just like that, satan has successfully stolen your desire and your ability to draw closer to the creator!
He knows that you can never grow closer to God if you don’t read his Word.
The Real Deal on Idol Worship
Why was God so angry when the Israelites worshiped the golden calf? Why did their praise of foreign gods infuriate him so much? We hear terms like God is jealous, and we attribute human characteristics like envy to The Almighty. But God’s jealousy is far different from our finite emotions of inferiority. Idol worship robs God of honor due to his name. But why? Why is idol worship such an offense in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Prophets of God Vs. False Prophets
Discerning who is sent by God to speak into your life is paramount to your spiritual health. God has called his church to community, to edify and build each other up. And he put gifts like prophecy inside of us to be able to do this.
However, if we are not operating under the power and authority of The Holy Spirit, satan will come in and pervert these gifts for his glorification.
With the world’s unlimited access to the internet and the freedom to say anything at any time – awareness of who you allow to speak into your life is more important than ever.